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From the press

Kol Ha'ir Newspaper

The Symphony's series for children has done tremendously well in the past couple of years, and has acquired an ever - growing audience. This is, at large, due to the excellent pedagogical and humane approach adopted by the conductor Rashi Levaot, and the winning formula he has created together with Pablo Ariel, centering on demonstration and explanations through performing art rather than on just narration.

Yerushalyim Newspaper

The series has had such a smashing success during the past season, to the point that the audience has forced the orchestra's directors to double the number of concerts.

Ha'Aretz Newspaper

Actor-director Pablo Ariel, aided by young and talented dancers, has contributed immensely ....Plenty of humor, imagination, and liveliness were well expressed in the text, the theatrical and ballet movements, pantomime puppets, opera singers, cloth props and even scenery.

Al Hamishmar Newspaper

.... Pablo Ariel had overcome the difficulties (of presenting classical music for children) with a bright choice of pieces, good timing and humor. Ariel is an experienced and imaginative director and a born comedian.

Al Hamishmar Newspaper

Such a musical celebration for children and their parents was never seen before in Jerusalem: on stage were three orchestras, an actor-pantomime, soloists and puppets, and everything was done in tempo and good taste..

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