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Who we are?

A visual theater where the actors play with objects, puppets and their body using almost no words. The theater developed a very personal stage language.

The members of the Theater Company form a human mosaic representative of the diverse population of the region Jews and Arabs.
The Theater Company has performed in theaters and festivals all around the country and the world. The Theater produced also series of educative videos. The productions utilize non-verbal forms of communication, so language is no obstacle, and multilingual audiences can enjoy the show together and interact with each other.

צוות התיאטרון

Let's get to know a little


The Theater Staff

The Galilee Multicultural Theater team consists of professional theater people, Jews and Arabs living in the Galilee, who represent the human mosaic of the region. The work and production processes of each project include a continuous rehearsal period, training and improvement of movement skills, expression, operating puppets and objects, combining movement and music, scenery, lighting and sound. Welcome to meet our team...

זיקית מסביב לעולם.jpg

Where were we
And what did we do?


 The third Festival of Puppetry Mostar-Flum, Bosnia Hertzogovina 2023

Award Best Actor, Pablo Ariel   11:11PM


24. International Festival of Professional Puppet Theater “Lut fest” Sarajevo Bosnia Hertzogovina 2023

Award Best original music, Gustavo Bustamante    11:11PM


28 Subotica International Children Theater Festival, Serbia  2021

Prize Prize for manipulating/acting skills for Roni Marsland, “GULI”

8 Festival FITIJ Santo Domingo,Dominican Republic 2017

Prize Best Children show  for "GULI" 


Akko Festival, Israel, 2009

Mayor of Akko Award for "Whisperings Alleys"


Magic Courtine Children Theatre Festival, Bulgaria, 2009

First Prize for "Celebration"


Haifa International Theatre Festival, Israel, 2007

First prize Sofia's Drawings


Prize Lea Porat – to " Nunu Colors " writing and directing Pablo Ariel, 2003


Ako Festival,Israel, 1991

First prize Arab dream direction Moni Iosef and Pablo Ariel

פסטיבלים ופרסים תיאטרון זיקית.jpg

The Galilee
Around the World




3 Festival of puppetry Mostar-FLIM   11:11PM, Bosnia and Herzegovina 

24 "Lut fest"  11:11PM ,Sarajevo ,Bosnia and Herzegovina 

The Jerusalem international puppet theater festival, Wanna play?

The Holon international puppet festival, Wanna play?

10 Titeres Al Sur puppet theater festival , Four seasons and one Vivaldi, Argentina


The Jerusalem international puppet Theater festival , 11:11 PM

Subotica International Children Theater Festival GULI , Serbia




The Jerusalem international puppet theatrer festival , THE CIRCUS OF GENESIS


Izmir international Puppets Days ,FOUR SEASONS AND ONE VIVALDI, Turkey



Animart festival , Lodz FOUR SEASONS AND ONE VIVALDI , Poland

8 Festival FITIJ, Santo Domingo, Prize Best Children Show, GULI, Dominican Republic

Festival Internacional de Teatro de Cali, GULI ,Colombia

Haifa International Children Theatre Festival, KOLOT. Israel



Feria del Libro, Universidad Autonoma de Encarnacion ,Celebration , Encarnacion , Paraguay

Festival internacional de titeres KruviKas ,Celebration, Posadas, Argentina

Izmir international Puppets Days , Guli, Turkey



Izmir International Puppets days Sweet and sour sweetie , Turkey

Titeres Al Sur , Guli , Buenos Aires Argentina

Titeres del Mundo , Guli, La Plata Argentina

Encuentro internacional de Teatro para niños ,Guli , Santa Fe Argentina

The Jerusalem international puppets Festival, Guli, Israel

Spectaculo Interesse , Sweet and sour sweetie , Ostrava Czech Republic



Israel Week Festival Nicosia, Celebration, Cyprus

Ako Festival , All together now.... Israel



Festival ULS Barcelona ,Celebration,Spain

Grand Theater Groningen , Brakke Grond, and Jewish Museum ,

Amsterdam ,Sofia's drawings Holland tour

Revolution Theater festival , Albuquerque ,Sofia's drawings . US

IPAY conference , Austin , Sofia's drawings US



Israelis and Palestinians working for a better future conference ,

Providence University , Neighbors .US

Forum Children Theater Festival Minsk , Belarus

Eretz Israel Museum, Shelf stories . Israel



Stage sights and sounds Chicago Humanities Festival Sofia's

drawings US

Viajando con la orquesta , families concert coo production with

theChihuahua Philharmonic Orchestra ,Mexico

Ako festival , Answer to an unwritten letter , coo production with 

Totales theater Vienna, Israel

Atelierhaus derAkademie der Bildenden Kunste Answer to an unwritten

letter , coo production with Totales theater, Vienna



Akko Festival, Israel

Mayor of Akko Award for “Whisperings Alleys”

INFANT International Alternative Theatre Festival,

Novi Sad, Serbia

Sobotica International Children Theatre Festival,


Kosovo National Theatre, Kosovo

Magic Courtine Children Theatre Festival, Bulgaria

First Prize for “Celebration”

Teatro de los Heroes,Vivaldi Concert, Chihuahua, Mexico



Limud, England

Veracruz International Puppets Theatre Festival,


Tlaxcala International Puppets Theatre Festival, Mexico

The Pride of Place Theater Festival, Alnwick , England

Drew University, New Jersey USA



Festival Internacional, Chihuahua, Mexico

The International Festival of Puppets Theatre in

Jerusalem, Israel

Haifa International Theatre Festival, Israel

First prize Sofia's Drawings



The Acre Fringe Theater Festival, Israel

The Art House, Singapore



Marsh Theatre, San Francisco

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